Full body view :)
You can see her eyeball!!
This is the view in between her legs...there is no penis...and she has the three lines indicating GIRL!
The baby!! The little bubble above her is the umbilical cord.
Yesterday my anticipation to go to the doctor was nearly unbearable. I just wanted to go and find out if I was having a boy or a girl. Honestly I don't think I've ever been so excited to go to the doctor...ever. In my mind I'm about 70 percent sure I'm having a boy...because I had a "feeling." So we're at the ultrasound tech and my baby decides to have its legs crossed...tightly, but the ultrasound tech reassured us that we would know the sex before we left. So she went on to show us the spinal cord and the brain and honestly it was extremely cool to see how our baby was developing in such detail. And our baby was such a trooper they saw everything they needed to and gave us a 100 % as far as a healthy baby and mommy goes. And then finally my little wiggle worm baby (its an active little one), opened its legs and showed us that it's a GIRL!! I was wrong, but I was SOOO happy. Because the minute I knew it was a girl all these nursery designs and girl clothes came flashing into my head, and I was so happy. I honestly couldn't stop smiling the entire day. I'm excited to have a little girl!! It'll be so fun when she's born because then I can put a face to this little baby that I already love to pieces :) I'm so excited to be a mommy, I wish I could hurry the process along a little bit. But she needs all the time she can get inside of me and I want her to be super healthy :)
All the ultrasound pictures are awesome, especially the eyeball one. It's crazy what you can see with technology! Your little baby is going to be so dang cute I know it - what with you being gorgeous, and of course you can't go wrong with Hale genes! :) Glad you're feeling better and healthy and that the baby is too!