Friday, June 25, 2010

It's a Girl!!!

Full body view :)
You can see her eyeball!!
This is the view in between her legs...there is no penis...and she has the three lines indicating GIRL!
The baby!! The little bubble above her is the umbilical cord.

Yesterday my anticipation to go to the doctor was nearly unbearable. I just wanted to go and find out if I was having a boy or a girl. Honestly I don't think I've ever been so excited to go to the doctor...ever. In my mind I'm about 70 percent sure I'm having a boy...because I had a "feeling." So we're at the ultrasound tech and my baby decides to have its legs crossed...tightly, but the ultrasound tech reassured us that we would know the sex before we left. So she went on to show us the spinal cord and the brain and honestly it was extremely cool to see how our baby was developing in such detail. And our baby was such a trooper they saw everything they needed to and gave us a 100 % as far as a healthy baby and mommy goes. And then finally my little wiggle worm baby (its an active little one), opened its legs and showed us that it's a GIRL!! I was wrong, but I was SOOO happy. Because the minute I knew it was a girl all these nursery designs and girl clothes came flashing into my head, and I was so happy. I honestly couldn't stop smiling the entire day. I'm excited to have a little girl!! It'll be so fun when she's born because then I can put a face to this little baby that I already love to pieces :) I'm so excited to be a mommy, I wish I could hurry the process along a little bit. But she needs all the time she can get inside of me and I want her to be super healthy :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ultrasound Photo of 10 weeks

Tomorrow I'll post the 19 week photos but I thought it would be good to have my first ultrasound pictures and the video on my blog too :)

Los Cabos

2 weeks ago we went on a trip with my family to Cabo San Lucas. It was so fun to be able to spend time with my family and go swimming all the time. Michael went fishing and caught a HUGE fish!

He loved going fishing and I think it even made it more fun for him that he caught the BIG one of the day. The Mexican guys on the boat were all running around saying that they thought it could be a record for the biggest rooster fish caught of the Cabo San Lucas coast. It was about 80 lb.


Tomorrow I find out whether I'm having a boy or a girl. I'm so excited to finally know and to be able to go buy a few outfits and maybe just bond with my baby a little more, so I don't have to call it an it. Previous to this week I wasn't showing AT ALL. I sort of looked like I had a little gut, but definitely not pregnant. But yesterday I woke up and put on some clothes and I looked at myself and I can actually tell a little bit now. So I'll have to post some pictures in a few days.

Originally when I found out I was pregnant I was so so SO excited. Kind of scared, but relieved that I still had 9months to prepare. Now that I'm 19 weeks into it I'm not scared anymore, I just want the baby. I feel mentally prepared, and now I want my little munchkin, and I want to be a mom.

A year ago when I moved here I was pretty miserable, just because it was such a huge change and it just felt too overwhelming. But now almost a year later from when I moved here, it feels like home. I couldn't imagine ever leaving, I love the area, I love the people, and I love being so close to Michael's family. I wish I could be closer to my own, but being close to his side is wonderful. They are all so helpful and I keep feeling closer and closer to all of them and I love it. It's funny to me when I hear people rant and rant about their in-laws, because mine are incredible and are definitely not stereotypical. I just feel so blessed to have married such an incredible man and to have married into such a terrific family.